Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Final essay

Many things have happened recently to the environment. We are now facing a huge problem with the environment and the pollution in all of its kind and that actually affecting our life and if the situation continues, it will affect also the next generation, so we have to deal with it immediately and carefully. In this essay will examine the environment pollution and how to solve it to make our planet a better place to live on.

We raise the air pollution by our hand by using cars and by factories as a result that problem lead us to another problem which is the rain come polluted and when it will fall in the ground, the polluted water will destroy the good soil where can we plants our harvest. Then plants will get poison after that anyone who will eat from this area either animal or the human, it will poison them and sometimes it will cause the death to them. On other word, this makes a circle we have to find a perfect solution for it.
First of all, to reach all the new technology we have to build factories that require getting all what we need, this is a fact we cannot argue about it. But if we think of a solution that help us to minimize the size of the issue the manufactory can put a filter to make less carbon pass through the smokestack. Furthermore, we cannot just say that the manufactory is the only thing that damages the air. We have to be far and say that also the people involve with this destroying and careless actions of them. For example, people use their privet car in very small distance and prefer to use their own cars. What should we do to solve this issue? First, we have to know why public transportation is not their first chose. Then, we work to improve it and educate people about that public transportation is one of the best chose that help to protect the air from the pollution. Moreover, if we do not do a solution for the above problem, this will continue to damage the soil from the acid rain. We were in a small problem, know we have a bigger one because the plants are dying and the animal too, so we have to fertilize the destroy soil and treat it with chemical to be back in the way what it was before.

In conclusion, as a human been we have to take the all responsibility of our actions and be more careful about what we are doing to the environment. Because what we are doing now will affect the next generation life which our sons and grandsons will be in.

Mini report

The computer term was first called to humans. They were given that name because they performed the work that had previously been assigned to people. “Computer” was a job title, it was used to describe the human that does the complicated calculations, Scientist and mathematicians thought of building machine that will make calculation easier. They started that since 300 BC, they used something called “abacus”, it was an early aid for mathematical computations. It can work on addition and subtraction problem at the speed of a person with a hand calculator. But at the same time it had some mistakes, so they kept producing other machines.
These mathematical machines kept growing and growing until they figured out how they can get the mathematical problems solved automatically.
In 1822 Computers were in the size of a large house, they were powered by steam engines and among all that it had a few performances it just had a limit of mathematical work. Many people were working on just one machine and it was just for the governments and banks. After that computer went smaller to a room size and went smaller and smaller. Companies started to take place in the manufactures rule.
IBM was one of the first companies that use computers for sale and business, it was founded by Herman Hollerith. IBM was first a small company, the Tabulating Company, but eventually became international Business Machines. IBM continued to develop mechanical calculators for sale to businesses to help with financial accounting and inventory accounting. IBM started to manufacture the Minicomputer and the mainframe and many other computers. As technology went on computers are now in a size of a finger and a lot of companies started to take place in the manufacturer rule. Computer now days are distributed every where. They are in the house, school, malls, hospital, and even bags. Before only companies were allowed to have and use computers, these days children cannot move without their Laptops.

Final draft:

Computers have led to improvement in many countries. Nowadays, computers are used for many purposes in different industries. Computers are used to held and save patient files and documents in hospital, use to do and submit homework and project in universities, colleges and some schools. It used also to save bad records for criminals in the police station, used for researches and experiment’s results in science labs, and many other uses that can be helpful in our lives. More and more we become dependent on computers. So far computers haven’t overcome people brains, but in the near future computers will be more intelligent than we could ever dream about it. Soon every step that we make will be followed by computers. The main thing is how it will affect people lives, worldviews and thinking. Future computers that see will change how we use consumer electronics and computing devices at home and work. For example, your TV could pause the show you are watching without the need for a remote control, just by seeing you get up to go bring something to drink, your TV would know you are leaving the room and no longer paying attention to it.
In conclusion, we should know that the Computers are already controlling the world . Everybody in the modern world uses computers in some way, even when you are using electricity you are using computers, when you watch T.V you watch broadcasts that are controlled by the assistance of computers. Almost everywhere we go, everything we do is somehow related to computers.


"Library." ThinkQuest. Web. 26 May 2010. .

"History of Computer Science." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 26 May 2010. .

"Computers in Our Life Essays." - Over 100,000 Essays, Essays and Term Papers Available for Instant Access!! Web. 26 May 2010. .